Africa Food Banks – Product Sourcing Workshop
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This is a peer group session for the GFN Network food banks in Africa. Securing a consistent supply of donated product is an essential function of any food bank. It is also a competitive landscape with many other charities asking for donations. During this workshop, participants will discuss what messaging resonates with companies and influences them to donate their surplus product to food banks.
Participants will also hear the company perspective from Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd, a major retail partner and donor to FoodForward South Africa. Lunga Schoeman will explain what they are looking for in a partner and what factors will make them consider donating and conversely, what will prevent them from donating.
- Karen Hanner, Director, Food Sourcing and Strategic Partnerships, The Global FoodBanking Network, USA.
- Lunga Schoeman, Corporate Social Investments, Shoprite Checkers (Pty) Ltd, South Africa.
Local Time
- Timezone: America/Phoenix
- Date: 22-Sep-2020
- Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am